Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Your beard sets on fire... Part 2

Back to DnD. From the past to now.

I play less Dungeons and Dragons, nowadays. Because I have less time. I'm planning to start playing again, soon. With a friend of mine.

He is, like me, also a big fan of DnD. We have been playing for a long time, together. Soon (hopefully) we will start two new campaigns (a serie of adventures). One will be lead by me and one by Rick, the friend I'm playing with. The stories of both campaigns will have something to do with each other. There will be lots of demons, devils, dragons and undead to slay. Rick and I love to slay monsters in DnD but we also like some roleplaying now and then.

We play the 4th Edition of DnD. It's the newest version and it's the one I love most. You get a lot of cool options and powers to make a great character. Also there are some new classes present. Like, for example, the Warlord, the Warlock and even a Hybrid class (and much more).

I've created a hybrid character myself. A hybrid class is a mixture between to classes. I chose to mix a Dual-Wielding Ranger with a Sorcerer. This way I'm good at both melee and ranged fighting.

I have tried to draw this character, but so far it didn't work out yet. But ofcourse I will keep trying and when I'm finished I will upload it here.

So, that's DnD for now. I would like to post something about my campaign. But Rick might be reading this too, so I don't want to spoil it for him. Ofcourse, when we have played some adventures I can tell more about it. So keep reading!

Joran de Boer

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