Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Your beard sets on fire... Part 1

Dungeons and Dragons. For me the greatest game in the world.
 (I'm talking about the 'play-on-the-table' game, not the pc game DDO)

Dungeons and Dragons is a Role Playing Game in wich each player controls a character and chooses what he does and says. There is one person who leads the game, called the Dungeon Master. The players are send on a quest to save a princess, slay a dragon or anything like that. The party has to work together to complete this quest and at the end they will receive some treasure and experience points to level up. Battles and actions succeed or not by rolling a die. And that's the basic of the game.

I have been playing this game for ten years now and I'm enjoying it more and more every year.

When I was seven years old I started playing with my brothers.
My older brother bought the game (Edition 3.0) on a holiday in Scotland.
I can still remember our first adventure (some of it).

I played a dwarven fighter named Grigor. I think he carried a dwarven waraxe and a shield
and he had a long red beard. My oldest brother was the Dungeon Master and my other brother played with me. I don't remember what character he had, but I think it was a human fighter named Brain.

We, the party, had to find a treasure in a cave with some goblins in it.
After some hacking and slashing we found a treasue chest.
I was very excited and opened the chest, but then... Whoosh! A trap!
A fireball flew out of the chest and set my beard on fire.
After wich my brother, or Brain actually, extinguished it with his pee...

I didn't really liked what happened to my character, but at least we had some treasure!

Since that first time playing I loved the game and I still do now.

If you are interested after reading this, take a look on the D&D website.

Joran de Boer

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