Sunday, September 12, 2010

Let's show something

Reading about what I do and make is nice and all...

but I bet you folks want to see something that I have made.
Well here it is!

The first piece is some sort of lion dwarf/gnome. I made this using Photoshop CS4. The face took most of my time, I think it was about three hours. And about one half for the body. But at the end I was very happy with the result!

The second piece is something not finished yet. It's becoming a dwarf. I thought it would be nice to show you something unfinished, because then you can see how I work. Maybe I will make a video once, of me drawing something in Photoshop. I just need to find some program which let me record what I do on screen.

Anyone got some suggestions?

P.S. I know the dwarf has only 8 toes. I just thought it looked better that way. :P

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