Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Last Week

We had a quiet week, last week. Most of my classmates were at G-Ameland. Unfortunately I couldn't go. But because of that, I could continue on some stuff I already started. We also got an extra task to do. Everyone received a tutorial of 'How-to-draw-an-eye' and so we have to draw an eye.

It's going pretty good for me, but I have not yet finished it. Though, it's fun to do.

We also played with Lego this week. Not just with Lego but with Lego board games. Next week we are going to make a Lego board game ourselves. I'm pretty excited about this. At home I have two boxes full of Lego with which I always have been playing when I was younger.

So. That's the most interesting stuff about last week.

Oh. I already tried out the Playstation Move! But that's a story for later.

Joran de Boer

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