Sunday, November 21, 2010

Little Lion Man

Here's my little lion man. The model is finished. Now it needs some texturing and animation.
I hope you folks like him.

As you can see, his body is not as detailed as his head. This is because I could not have to much polygons in this model.

My 'Toes' are ash now.

My Warcraft III map 'Scorched Toes' was not good enough. It didn't really match with the floorplan I made and it wasn't really playable for a game with cpu-players.
So. I made a new map.

Blazing Cavern:

You can see it looks a bit like my previous map. But a lot has changed.
I will try to upload my map somewhere and put a link here so you folks can download and play it. If you do, please tell me what you think of it.

Here are some ingame screenshots:

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Scorched Toes

Some time ago I told I had to make a map for Warcraft III.
Well, here it is! The first version.

This map, Scorched Toes, is a multiplayer map for 4 players. It has a lot of creeps a lot of gold and a lot of trees. Also the food cap is higher now. So be prepared for massive battles!

But, as I said. This is the first version, it is not yet finished. I have run some test and it seems that the creeps are too easy to kill...

No problem! Let's put some more in there!

Keep reading to see more of this level. When I am totally finished I will make some ingame screenshots.

My Precious

I present my first self-made 3D model!

Ofcourse I made more models, but this one is created without a tutorial
and from a drawing of my own. So it is totally mine.

However, it is not yet finished. This is just the head as you can see.
The process of making this went very good. It took some time, but I didn't had any problems along the way.
I hope the rest of the model will be just as easy to make.

Do you recognize this face? The drawing I used is somewhere on this blog, try and find it.