Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I won't post a very long message here. Just a quick update.

I am really stressed right now because I have to finish a lot of stuff. I will post something I have finished already and I will give some information about it later.

When I'm done with all my work and not so stressed anymore, I will try to post more often.

Friday, January 7, 2011

I'm Back

Forget what I said.

I'm drawing better now. I had to create a car for an upcomming game (Seriously, me and my classmates are working for a gamestudio), which I posted yesterday. I was not happy about it, not at all.

But now I have made a new car. Here it is.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Huge Sigh

Sigh... It seems like I am not really getting better at drawing. My last drawing, a knight, was pretty cool. But now I just mess up everything. I won't say more. See for yourselves.

These drawings dissapoint me and it's neither really motivating me. Am I doing something wrong? If you got some advice please tell me. I can really need it.

Pull The Trigger

I am not sure if I have mentioned this before so I'll just tell it anyway. I have to create a RPG Map for Warcraft III. But I am not doing very well. Well, I'm doing the best I can, but I can't succeed in what  I am doing.

Triggers, variables. Those are my problem. I have ideas on paper that I just can't create in the Warcraft III Editor. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or that the editor can't just do what I want.

Though, the ideas I have are pretty cool. At least I think so myself. I have written a little story of 15 pages. It's too much to post up here, and if I shorten it, it won't be as cool as the longer version. I'll try to upload it somewhere, so that you can download it.

So that's what I'm doing with Level Design now.

I hope it will go more smooth soon.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I Knight You

I Knight You! - I wouldn't dare to knight this guy. To me he looks pretty dangerous, not the usual Prince Charming kind of knight. I like that.

I made this knight myself, in Photoshop. We got this task so we would learn how to draw armor. In my opinion, I did well. Ofcourse there is always space for improvement, but I am pretty proud already.

The next task given, is to draw a Roman Soldier. When he's finished I'll post him up here.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Little Lion Man

Here's my little lion man. The model is finished. Now it needs some texturing and animation.
I hope you folks like him.

As you can see, his body is not as detailed as his head. This is because I could not have to much polygons in this model.

My 'Toes' are ash now.

My Warcraft III map 'Scorched Toes' was not good enough. It didn't really match with the floorplan I made and it wasn't really playable for a game with cpu-players.
So. I made a new map.

Blazing Cavern:

You can see it looks a bit like my previous map. But a lot has changed.
I will try to upload my map somewhere and put a link here so you folks can download and play it. If you do, please tell me what you think of it.

Here are some ingame screenshots: